Sunday, August 10, 2008

A Stormy Adolescent Affair

Adolescence (Latin adolescentia, from adolescere, to grow up) is the period of psychological, social, and physical transition between childhood and adulthood.
As a transitional stage of human development, adolescence is the period in which a child matures into an adult. This transition involves biological (i.e. pubertal), social, and psychological changes.
It is a time of rapid physical development and deep emotional changes which can be confusing and uncomfortable for child and parent alike.
This is what I think you should know about preventing problems associated with adolescence.
DietYour child's nutrition is important to the overall health.
Proper nutrition can also prevent many medical problems, including becoming overweight, developing weak bones, and developing diabetes.
It will also ensure that your child physically grows to her full potential.
The best nutrition advice to keep your adolescent healthy includes encouraging her to:
Eat a variety of foods
Balance the food eaten with physical activity
Choose a diet with plenty of grain products, vegetables and fruits
Choose a diet low in fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol
Choose a diet moderate in sugars and salt
Choose a diet that provides enough calcium and iron to meet her growing body's requirements.
A balanced diet with regular exercise and a proper amount of sleep will go a long way in maintaining the state of health.

During adolescence hygiene is very important to remove oils and body odour.
They must be told the importance of washing their face, underarms, pubic area, and feet daily.
Have your children wash their hands frequently to decrease the spread of germs, especially before eating and after using the bathroom.
Underwear should be made of cotton for better air circulation. Tight jeans also prevent air circulation and can cause friction of the labia (private parts).
Hygienic care revolving around the monthly cycle needs to be conveyed. Girls must learn how to anticipate and prepare for their menstrual cycles so they won't be caught by surprise. Daily bathing and special padding must be undertaken for this cyclical phase of their development.
Tampons or pads should be changed every few hours to prevent bacterial growth; tampons should not be worn overnight.
Avoid all feminine hygiene sprays, douches and scented sanitary products since they may irritate the pubic area.

Reassurance and advice
Reassure your daughter that one breast may develop faster than the other. She may also experience tenderness.
Prepare your daughter for her first menstrual period.
Menstruation may last from 1 to 8 days, and initially the periods may be scanty and irregular.
A warm bath or a hot water bottle to the abdomen may help menstrual discomfort.
Severe discomfort or pain (called dysmenorrhoea) can be easily treated with homoeopathic medicines.
Your daughter might notice a yellow stain on her panties. Leucorrhoea or a white discharge is also a common complaint during puberty. If the discharge is white, non-irritating, non-offensive and is not associated with any urinary symptoms, then it is a physiological phenomenon. This can be corrected with the help of constitutional homeopathic remedies. However, an acute onset of leucorrhoea, with an irritation, itching and redness of the parts, may be due to a fungal infection.

Mutual supportParents need to:
Agree between themselves about their basic values and rules.
Support each other in applying them.

Listening to their problems
Adults need to be a source of advice, sympathy and comfort and not pass judgement, be criticising or give routine advice. Listening comes first.
It is always better to spend time on praising good decisions or behaviour.

For homeopathic consultation for your symptoms you may visit Homeopathic Healing or send an e-mail to to meet the Homeopathic Specialists.
Disclaimer: A detailed history followed by constitutional treatment by good and qualified homeopathic specialists is necessary to treat the complaints that appear during any disease. It is not advisable to resort to self-medication for any disease. 

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